DEEPFAKE, synthetic media, including images, videos, and audio, generated by artificial intelligence (AI) technology that portray something that does not exist in reality or events that have never occurred. (Brittanica)
President Russell M. Nelson began his October 2023 General Conference address with:
Three weeks ago, I injured the muscles of my back. So, while I have delivered more than 100 general conference addresses standing, today I thought I would do so sitting. (Think Celestial!)
Church members the world over were concerned for the well-being of the president. They waited with bated breath the following General Conference for his update on how he was doing. They got this instead:
My dear brothers and sisters, today is an historic day for President Dallin H. Oaks and me. It was 40 years ago, on April 7, 1984, when we were sustained to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. (Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys)
Not a word about the injured muscles in his back. Viewers were shocked by how different he looked. He appears 20 years younger, yet he is sitting in a chair and wearing glasses. When was the last time President Nelson wore glasses at Conference? October 1986—38 years ago.
Sample 1

Sample 2

Sample 3

“He is 99, and he is only barely starting to look old. President Nelson is amazing!”
“A filter is being used to make him look younger. The real question is, why lie to the members like this?“
“There’s a little AI going on in this video. Facial lines are softened he looks 10 years younger.”
“He actually looks friendlier and younger with glasses and not so scary and old.”
“Is there a filter on this? This looks….off.” “He looks off, like theres some kind of filter they’re using.”
“They are definitely using a filter. He looks 20 years younger.”
“Not LDS. But I have rarely seen or heard of a 99 year old man in such good condition.”
“Lmao that green sceen. Why not sit him in his wheelchair in a nice studio?”
“Why he look younger though last conference he looked his actual age“
“This video brought to you by Artificial intelligence“
Guiding Principles for the Church’s Artificial Intelligence
Transparency. People interacting with the Church will understand when they are interfacing with artificial intelligence. The Church will provide attribution for content created with artificial intelligence when the authenticity, accuracy, or authorship of the content could be misunderstood or misleading.”
“Elder Gong said he is optimistic the Church of Jesus Christ can use AI tools wisely and effectively and PROTECT LATTER-DAY SAINTS AND FRIENDS OF THE FAITH FROM DECEPTION.”
(Elder Gong, “Guiding Principles for the Church of Jesus Christ’s Use of Artificial Intelligence,” Church News Release, 13 March 2024)

Skull & Bones
President Nelson is still a member of Skull and Bones and Owl and Key (unless someone can provide proof he publicly recanted):

Full book online.