
To lessen the animus towards the Mormon Church and its leaders, it would be best to start viewing their leaders the same way leaders of other churches are viewed—different classes of pastors and administrators.

They’re not worthy of the titles prophet or apostle, and neither its members nor the public should revere them as such. Not one of them was called directly by Our Lord Jesus Christ, for an apostle would bear witness to their calling as did Paul:

15 And I said, Who art thou, Lord? And he said, I AM JESUS whom thou persecutest.
16 But rise, and stand upon thy feet: for I HAVE APPEARED UNTO THEE FOR THIS PURPOSE, TO MAKE THEE A MINISTER and A WITNESS both of these things which thou hast seen, and of those things in the which I WILL APPEAR UNTO THEE;
17 Delivering thee from the people, and from the Gentiles, unto whom now I send thee (Acts 26)

Church members should stop giving them exceptional titles they are not worthy of, and Church leadership should resign those titles to align itself with what The Blessed Book of Mormon says—NO APOSTLES, and NO “PROPHETS BY INHERITANCE.” The “Most Favored Gentile Church/People” status has ended.

The more members and the public see behind the curtain of Mormonism, the more they learn they’re not true apostles or prophets. They are fallible pastors. Corporate holdings should be separated from the Church, and its tithes should be returned to members with interest. Temples should be converted to public Houses of Prayer (since the public is subsidizing them) where all can celebrate Christian baptism and marriage.

Key Words to Own

  • dispassionate
  • elitism
  • exceptionalism
  • exclusivity
  • infallible
  • obsequious
  • oratorical
  • pharisaism
  • pretentious
  • sanctimonious
  • smooth-tongued
  • stiff-necked

All of which are unbecoming true Christians.