Embracing A False Identity
Kirsten Searcy grew up having both parents, but never felt her father’s love. She never learned about God from her parents because they weren’t religious. Her mom was a non-practicing Catholic, while her dad was a Mormon. She had a good childhood, but the rejection from her dad created a void in her heart. (https://www.christianlearning.com/woman-embraced-false-identity-testimony/)
Searcy’s life suddenly changed one day after she had a dream where she encountered Jesus. After waking up from the dream, she remembers feeling different but wasn’t sure why. It wasn’t long before she had a second encounter with Jesus, where she felt Him stitching up her heart. Her curiosity led her to listen to worship music and spend time with God daily.
‘He showed up every morning. … He’s showing me things that I need to heal from. We really started with the death of my father. Everything that had just come from that. We didn’t start with my sexuality first. He was like, ‘No, just let me love you back to life. Let me love you. Let me give you grace. This is what I have done for you,’ Searcy recounted. (https://www.christianpost.com/news/ex-lesbian-shares-journey-from-insecurity-to-christ.html)
See also:
- Child Harm
- Change of Affection
- Normalizing Sin
- Seen in Hell
- Spiritually Possessed
- Usurping, Undermining & Supplanting God